Fatal Attraction

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2 posters

    App sentron.


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2011-06-16

    App sentron. Empty App sentron.

    Post  sentron Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:36 pm

    Tell us about yourself - Name, Age, Country, Class and roll(as in tank/dps/healer)
    My name is kenneth santos. i live in denmark.
    i got 2 chars, i would like to apply with..

    My hunter sentron.

    my shaman. (pridon) enhancement/resto

    Link any screens of your UI, world of logs to impress us! An armorylink would fit well here aswell.
    Atm i dont have a WWS or WoL report.



    Screenshot from my hunter. my UI for my shaman is more or less the same.

    What's your earlier raiding/PvE experience?

    SSC. missing lady vashj.
    BT cleared.
    MH. missing archimonde.
    SP. cleared.
    Naxx cleared.
    EOE. cleared.
    OS. cleared
    Uld. cleared
    Ony cleared.
    Toc cleared. with 49 insanity
    Icc with 10 HCs.
    RS. Not cleared
    BH. cleared.
    BwD. cleared. msising HCs.
    BoT cleared. with halfus HC.
    TFW. cleared.

    What guilds have you been in before, and the reason to why you left those?
    Solitude, on steamwheeld cartel, with old old char sarger, gnome rogue. (TBC)ended up in the military, and stopped playing.
    supreme, on mazrigos. disbanned.
    Life, mazrigos.the guild moved server.
    The covenant. disbanned,
    Ensuba. disbanned. the GM has moved into fallout on tarren mill as we speak., White.

    The attendance requirement is 90%. Is this something you can manage? We may also ask you to take a standby if that's required for an optimal raidsetup. Are you ready to take a standby?
    Sitting out, and not joining every raid, is and will always be there. everyone will get into the raid. patience i would say.
    so yes doesnt bother me at all.
    i can maintain a 95% attendancy. got work every. got work every sencond week on wednesdays. thats the only time i can attend, as it looks atm. but they are gonna change a few shifts at work. so might be able to join all..

    Do you have Ventrilo 3.0 and a working mic available? Communication's a very important part on encounters!

    Yes i have.

    Why do you consider yourself as the right person for this guild?
    Well. hard to say, since i dont know much about you. but im right for you because i do my part, i dont complain, and work hard to achieve a higher level of knowledge regarding raids and my classes.

    Anything else you might wanna add?

    some class mecs: HUNTER.

    Glyph of Explosive shot: Increases the crit chance by 6% , very good to increase dmg
    Glyph of Killshot: Good when the boss are down under 20% and if it wont kill the target the CD will be reset as 1 killshot wont kill the target you get more dmg from that
    Glyph of Serpentsting: 6& crit increase is a good amount, overall in a 10min fight

    the major and minor glyphs are improvments of abillitys that is just good to have.

    About gemming its agillity IF you are hitcapped, or if its a good socket bonus on that item so i rather get a agi/hit or agi/haste/crit socket in those slots.
    Havent really gotten any gear yet to put the best enchants/gems and reforge on but it will come as im getting better gear.
    Hunters SHOULD NEVER go over 75focus on a fight. shows that he is lacking reaction, and its a 30-40% dps lose.

    SrS (serpent sting)
    ES (explosive shot)
    DA (dark arrow)
    CoS (cobra shot)

    thats our primary start rotation. and its followed By.
    DA should be off. or running out. ( wait for it.) if you have ES ready use it, and gain the last focus needed for DA.

    MM rotation:


    Some mecs: Shaman


    [Glyph of Earth Shield] helps alot on tank healing. since i need to keep ES up at all times.
    [Glyph of Earthliving Weapon] increased effect by 20%
    [Glyph of Riptide] i can have 3 riptides up at the same time.

    [Glyph of Chain Heal] in situations like the magmaw fight it benefits more. altho if it does hit more then 2 its a mana waste
    [Glyph of Healing Stream Totem] because it gives 195 resis to fire frost nature.
    [Glyph of Healing Wave] heals myself, eventho its only 1500-2000 it helps me survive better.

    [Glyph of Water Walking] handy sometimes
    [Glyph of Renewed Life] dont need regents.


    [Glyph of Flametongue Weapon]for the extra 2% crit.

    why didnt i pick [Glyph of flame shock] because it doesnt scale better then FlameT glyph, eventho its easy to let FS run out during a fight, and it happens alot for all Eshamans. Smile
    [Glyph of Lava Burst] increased damage.
    [Glyph of Lightning Bolt] increased damage

    [Glyph of Chain Lightning] for the extra pops on more targets.
    [Glyph of Fire Nova] better aoe
    [Glyph of Lightning Shield] so my shield never run out, because of fulmination proc.

    [Glyph of Water Walking]
    [Glyph of Renewed Life


    i choose the following talents due to it being the best suited spec for Rshamans atm. my reason for choosing [Ancestral Swiftness] isntead of [Telluric Currents] [Totemic Reach] is to survive. and be able to move away faster.


    the spec i choose scales better in dps. because i use searing totem and not flameT for the extra dps/damage. and it still gives the buff. of 10% SP.

    reason for not picking [Convection] is because mana isnt a problem.. with the correct timing on TS you shouldnt run OOM.



    int: increases out mana pool, and gives more crit and SP.

    haste: for the faster casting.

    spirit: for the regen needed in cata.

    crit: crit is mostly overhealing. but scales better then mastery.

    mastery: mastery is good when the raid is low in HP. but doesnt scale well when people are over 60% hp.



    int: increases out mana pool, and gives more crit and SP.

    haste: for the faster casting.

    crit:more crits more dps Smile

    mastery: overload procs is a good damage increase.

    spirit: is a 1-1 ratio with hit. and it gives a 3% [Elemental Precision] damage boost in fire frost nature.


    We got a prio list.

    lightning bolt, if we have 5x maelstrom.

    Prime glyphs.
    [Glyph of feral spirits]
    [Glyph of lava lash]
    [Glyph of stormstrike]

    Major glyphs.
    [Glyph of Fire Nova]
    [Glyph of Lightning Shield]
    [Glyph of Healing Stream Totem]

    Minor Glyphs.

    [Glyph of Astral Recall]
    [Glyph of Renewed Life]
    [Glyph of Water Walking]

    Hope that covers it all, that you want to know.. thanks for the time you put into reading this..
    Ill reply to your answers sunday. got some work i need to finish over the weekend.. Smile

    Posts : 191
    Join date : 2011-03-11
    Age : 35
    Location : Sweden

    App sentron. Empty Re: App sentron.

    Post  Coldine Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:58 am


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